Under Feet Like Ours Promo



Tegan: Sara. Sara had the beginning of the name Sara and Tegan, not because she’s number one, that’s for sure. She blew it, though, so now it’s Tegan and Sara, so that’s why we changed our name.

Sara: Tegan. Born September 19, 1980. Born Tegan RAIN Quin. A little bit more introverted than me, writes a little bit weirder songs…

Tegan: Sara’s uhh definitely a full contact kind of sport person and I’m definitely in the background ready to kick your knee out when you’re not looking so that’s a pretty good synopsis of Sara and Tegan.

Song: HYPE

Tegan: We both wrote together a lot of time- Well no we didn’t. We had ideas and then we would write together but we’ve definitely become more ummm…
Sara: We had a little prob- We had problems.
Tegan: Yea, but we write separately and then we bring it together. We’re kind of umm… we’re kind of independent players now, but we do collaborate at- in the end kind of thing. But we used to just fight, and then the songs were crappy. Now they’re not crappy anymore.
Sara: …cause we don’t write together. It’s not like any other band… like we don’t practice once or twice a week. I mean, we practice every day for like, a long time.
Tegan: Right-
Sara: So we’d be better, but
Tegan: *mumbling* But four and a half years of playing at least once a day, you know, a lot, together and stuff so… I think we’ve got a lot accomplished in short time only because we’re together all the time playing and getting better
Sara: We don’t take up very much room either uhh… *mumbling*
Tegan: Like according- in what? *mumbling* like in your room?
Sara: No like generally in space… like we don’t take up a lot of space
Tegan: What does that have to do with- I want to do my interview over here away from her…


Sara: We’re pretty much one of those- those nerdy people that sing about like love and sadness and depression and stuff
Tegan: Not- not me, I write about freedom and inspirational, powerful songs



Produced and Directed by Sean Michael Turrell & Richard Cureton

LetMeBeYourArmour, Youtube.com, February 7 2009, Sean Michael Turrell & Richard Cureton, 1999